K.V.D. and General Supplies Limited is a limited liability Company registered under the Companies Act (Cap 212) as repealed and replaced by the Companies Act No. 12 of 2002 of the Laws of the United Republic of Tanzania. It has been incorporated under the Companies Ordinance in 2006. The Company commands a fleet of heavy and light duty trucks for the transportation of goods locally and internationally. It has been in operation for the last Seventeen (17) years. Since its inception in 2006 the Company has enjoyed recognition and appreciation from various customers.

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Business Categories and Tags
  • Scania
  • DAF
  • Central Corridor(Rusumo/Nyakanazi/Mtukula)
  • Dar es Salaam Corridor (Tunduma)
  • Ports
  • Industries
  • Domestic (Local)
  • Transit
  • Container
  • Wet
  • Dry Bulk
  • Flatbed
  • Flatbed
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